
Eeshani Thomas

Updates throughout my Peace Corps experience in Zambia

Hello! Thanks for visiting my blog. I will be using this site to post about my experiences with the Peace Corps in Zambia from August 2024 to November 2026. I will spend the first three months in Pre-Service Training (PST) located in Lusaka, the capital city. There, I will live with a host family, learn one of the many languages commonly spoken in Zambia, and otherwise prepare for the next two years. At the end of PST, I will officially swear in as a Peace Corps Volunteer (PCV) and set off for my post (location tbd) as an English Teacher to secondary students.

I am equally excited and nervous to embark on this adventure, and more than anything I extremely grateful for the opportunity to integrate into a culture that is different than my own. It is also important that I am not going into this with an agenda, and am instead looking forward to building interpersonal connections with my host community while acknowledging my place as an outsider.

I am not sure how much internet connectivity I will have while at my post, but I will try me best to update here when I can :).